Coaches Choice
“12 Days of Christmas”
For Time:
1 Deadlift (115/80)
2 Clean and Jerks (115/80)
3 Front Squats (115/80)
4 Thrusters (115/80)
5 Burpees
6 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
7 Box Jumps (24/20)
8 Toes to Bar
9 Wall-Balls (20/14)
10 Kettlebell Swings (24/16)
11 Handstand Push-ups
120 Double Unders
Like the song the “12 Days of Christmas,” complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down to 1, adding one exercise per round. Like this: 1; 2-1; 3-2-1; 4-3-2-1; etc