“12 Days of Christmas”
1 Devils Press (50/35)
2 Dumbbell Thruster (50/35)
3 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (50/35)
4 Double Dumbbell Snatch (50/35)
5 Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean (50/35)
6 Dumbbell Lunges (50/35)
7 Dumbbell Squats (50/35)
8 Burpees
9 Pushups
10 Jumping Lunges
11 Jumping Squats
120 Double Unders
Like the song the “12 Days of Christmas,” complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down to 1, adding one exercise per round. Like this: 1; 2-1; 3-2-1; 4-3-2-1; etc