TUESDAY 230711


21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Reps for time of:

Single Dumbbell Box Step Overs (24/20) (50/35)

5 Single Arm Devils Press (50/35)


:30 on :30 off until completion

15 Lateral Barbell Hops

Max Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (115/75)

*Continue rounds until the athlete completes 60 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls*

MONDAY 230710


With a 30:00 Running Clock Complete:

3 Rounds:

15/12 Calorie Row

15 Hang Squat Cleans (95/65)

2:00 Rest

2 Rounds:

12/10 Calorie Row

12 Hang Squat Cleans (135/95)

2:00 Rest

For Time:

9/8 Calorie Row

9 Hang Squat Cleans (185/125)

In remaining time Establish a Hang Squat Clean 2RM

TUESDAY 230704


“Hot Shots 19”

Six rounds for time of:

30 Squats

19 Power Cleans 135/95)

7 Strict Pull-ups

400 Meter Run

On June 20, 2013, nineteen members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots firefighting team lost their lives while fighting a fire in Yarnell, Arizona:

Jesse Steed, 36

Wade Parker, 22

Joe Thurston, 32

William Warneke, 25

John Percin, 24

Clayton Whitted, 28

Scott Norris, 28

Dustin Deford, 24

Sean Misner, 26

Garret Zuppiger, 27

Travis Carter, 31

Grant McKee, 21

Travis Turbyfill, 27

Andrew Ashcraft, 29

Kevin Woyjeck, 21

Anthony Rose, 23

Eric Marsh, 43

Christopher MacKenzie, 30

Robert Caldwell, 23